Donate to MELP

You can support MELP by donating equipment or funds.

MELP is one of the programs of AbleCloset, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 27-1212734.  All donations are non-taxable and tax-deductible.  To donate funds, you may:

  • Use PayPal, debit card, or credit card by clicking the blue button above or visiting
  • Or write a check payable to AbleCloset and mail it to: AbleCloset, 1063 E. San Carlos Ave, San Carlos CA 94070
  • Or drop cash or a check into the clear donation box at our San Carlos location

Thank you for supporting our program!  Your donated funds help cover the cost of cleaning, storing, and managing equipment and other related expenses.  We also receive grants and donations from Rotary Clubs, government, and private organizations. We have no paid employees and rely on mission-driven volunteers to run the program.

MELP was founded in the fall of 2021.  As of October 2023, we’ve loaned, donated, or recycled over 2,500 pieces of equipment to our community members in the greater San Mateo County area and beyond.
